Amélie Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #4

BRETODEAU: It's time I looked them up, before I'm in a box myself.

Finding his old childhood toy box gives Bretodeau the motivation to contact his family, whom he hasn't spoken to in many years. That can't be an easy thing to do. We see at the very end of the movie that he is successful in reuniting with them.

Quote #5

NARRATOR: Any normal girl would call the number, meet him, return the album, and see if her dream is viable. It's called a reality check. The last thing Amélie wants.

Maybe Amélie isn't that brave after all… When it comes time to return the album, she takes the most roundabout way to do it, not even handing it to Nino personally. Maybe she's extra nervous because she's especially invested in Nino and doesn't want to be let down by reality.

Quote #6

[Amélie calls Nino, and the number goes to Porno Video Palace.]

Okay, we're not giving Amélie enough credit with the bravery thing. Not every girl would march into Porno Video Palace to return a photo album. She has her initial moment of bravery here before resorting to sending Nino on a big ol' scavenger hunt later.