American Pastoral Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Don't you know what made Merry Merry? Sixteen years of living in a household where she is hated by that mother." (4.90)

Rita blames Dawn—not necessarily for the bombing (which Rita undoubtedly thinks is a good thing), but for Merry's unhappy childhood.

Quote #8

That was what had done it. Into their home the monk came to stay, the Buddhist monk calmly sitting out his burning up as though he were a man both fully alert and anesthetized. (4.181)

The novel questions the role the media plays in shaping the realities of both adults and children. In this way, it enters the debate over what is appropriate viewing for children at different ages.

Quote #9

"I killed four people," she replied, as innocently as she might have once told him, "I baked cookies in the afternoon." (6.189)

There goes the Swede's hopes of Merry's innocence, although he continues to see her as a victim for sure.