American Pastoral Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Now that he could not stop imagining the rapes, there was no relief, not for one second, from the desire to go out and kill somebody. (6.209)

The worst of the guilt and blame come out in the Swede once he hears about the rapes.

Quote #11

"As a thing—you loved her as a f***ing thing. The way you love your wife." (6.241)

The Swede does seem rather blind to the real Dawn and admits to us that her beauty is a huge part of his attraction to her. (Big surprise!) He seems to negate, at least in his mind, her own versions of her life when they differ from his. He seems less guilty of doing this to Merry.

Quote #12

"I gave her all I could, everything, everything. […] I swear to you I gave everything." And now he is crying easily, there is no line between him and his crying […] (6.271)

This is the Swede after Jerry has told him in no uncertain terms that everything is his fault.