Among the Hidden Government Power: Totalitarian Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Oh," Jen said. "Does he think the Government would actually let him do that?"

"I guess so," Luke said. "Why wouldn't they?"

Jen shrugged. "Why does the Government do anything?" (20.6-8)

By now, we all know that the Government does whatever they want, whenever they want with no regard for anyone who could be affected. We know it, Jen knows it, Luke is learning it—and we get the feeling a lot of other people out in the world know it, too. Seems like the time just might be ripe for revolution.

Quote #8

In February, Dad got the letter from the Government forbidding him from trying to grow anything indoors. (21.1)

Wha?? This is the most shocking piece of news … Oh wait. Nope. This is entirely unsurprising. The Government doesn't want people to strike out on their own to do something they might actually benefit from. No self-starters or innovators in this world: the more that people depend on the Government, the more power the Government has.

Quote #9

"The truth," Jen's dad muttered, catching onto those two words as though Luke had thrown him a lifeline. He recovered quickly. "Nobody really knows. There have been too many lies for too long. Our Government is totalitarian, and totalitarian governments never like truth." (28.26)

Knowledge is power, which helps us see exactly how not powerful Luke and his family are. They're kept ignorant, poor, and easy to manipulate. Well, until now.