Among the Hidden Government Power: Totalitarian Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"But the Population Law became General Sherwood's proudest accomplishment. That's why even Barons aren't exempt. He points to that and says, 'See how much control I have over my people's lives'." (28.39)

Gee, some people really let power go to their heads. This is a good clue to help us understand the totalitarian structure of Luke's world: government by the powerful for the even more powerful. Yuck. No thanks.

Quote #11

Maybe there was something smaller and slower he could do. Studying ways to grow more food, so no one would go hungry, no matter how many kids people had. Or changing the Government so that farmers were allowed to raise pigs or use hydroponics, and ordinary people, not just Barons, could have better lives. (29.69)

Luke has a dream, just like any other guy. And we have an inkling that the Government isn't going to like that, especially since Luke's idea of opposing the Government involves a lot more than rallies or protests. Rather, Luke has some great ideas for reform.