Among the Hidden Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mother had turned back to her stew.

"I got my work permit today," she said softly. "The factory's hiring. If I get on there, I can maybe get an advance on my paycheck." (6.12-13)

There's a few too many conditions in that statement. If she gets a job, she might get an advance? Unfortunately, it's the best option they have right now.

Quote #5

"Do you go hungry sometimes?" she asked in a low voice.

"No," Luke said in surprise.

"Some shadow children do because they don't have food ration cards, and the rest of their family doesn't share," she said (17.38-40)

First, sharing is caring so that's pretty messed up of the families who hoard all the food. And second, it's apparently common enough for Jen to ask Luke if it has ever happened to him. At least there are other families worse off? Not very comforting.

Quote #6

"So if I didn't eat, my food would go to someone who was legal," Luke said. But in his family, that would just be Matthew or Mark, and they were hardly starving [...] Then Luke remembered the tramp from long ago, saying, "I ain't et in three days..." Was that Luke's fault? (17.68)

Ugh the Government is getting inside Luke's head again. And who's to say that the tramp was legal to begin with? Bet Luke never thought of that.