Among the Hidden Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Again?" Dad asked, shuffling the cards.

"If you don't have any work you've got to do."

"In November? With no livestock? Only work I've got now is figuring out how we're going to pay our bills once the hog money runs out." (19.15-17)

Well on one hand, yay for no livestock, because Luke's dad has more free time to spend chillin' with his son. But on the other hand, he also has the burden of worrying about how to support the entire family with fleeting funds. On the whole, we'd rather be slopping some pigs.

Quote #8

Carlos: Mom says they won't buy me one until I'm 18, because she thinks the Gov. wouldn't challenge an adult's as much. And maybe they'll be cheaper then.

Pat: Maybe Sean and I will get ours by the time we're ninety. Dad and Mom have been saving for them as long as we can remember. (20.10-11)

These are shadow children in Jen's super secret chat room. What we're picking up here is that identities are for sale, but it costs an arm and a leg to get them. Just one more way the Barons have it easier.

Quote #9

Dad flashed him a look of pure disgust.

"Think it's funny? We'll see what you think next year when your feet grow and we don't have money for new shoes."

Mark stopped laughing. (21.7-9)

Ouch. Mark may be a farm kid with more responsibilities than you'd know what to do with, but he still doesn't get what it means to have no money. Mr. Garner sure does, though.