An Abundance of Katherines Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Maybe we don't need to see the Archduke," said Hassan. "We're on a road trip. It's about adventure," Colin mimicked. (5.25)

Colin wants to get away, but once he and Hassan are away, he doesn't want to stop anywhere or do anything. Then comes the Archduke. This is the first time Colin is even remotely interested in moving on with his life and doing something other than act like a bratty teen.

Quote #5

You're just—you spend all your time worrying about losing your edge or getting dumped or whatever and you're never for a second grateful. You're the valedictorian. You're going to a great school next year, for free. So maybe you're not a child prodigy. That's good. At least you're not a child anymore. Or, you're not supposed to be, anyway. (5.80)

Ouch. Translation: You don't act like an adult, Colin. We hate it say it, but Katherine's right—growing up is about more than reaching the big 1-8. It's about acting mature and making good decisions, but Colin can't go seven seconds without checking in with Katherine because he's so childish.

Quote #6

Like, the other day, I told Hassan I wanted to matter—like, be remembered. And he said, 'famous is the new popular.' Maybe he's right, and maybe I just want to be famous. I was thinking about this tonight, actually, that maybe I want strangers to think I'm cool since people who actually know me don't. (7.83)

It's with Lindsey that Colin starts reflecting on himself and what he wants, and he tells her here that he wants to matter and make a difference in the world. If that's not grown-up thinking, we don't know what is.