An Abundance of Katherines Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And I'm a not-doer. Like, I'm lazy, but I'm also good at not-doing things I'm not supposed to do. I never drank or did drugs or hooked up with girls or beat people up or stole or anything. I was always good at that, although not so much this particular summer. But then doing all that stuff here felt weird and wrong, so now I'm back to happily not-doing. But I've never been a doer. I never did anything that helped anybody. (18.58)

Leave it to Hassan to sum up his character better than anybody else. He knows he's not out there doin' stuff that matters (like Colin wants to), and for most of the novel, he couldn't care less about this fact. It's in this moment we see that he's growing and learning who he wants to be… and that person isn't just sitting around watching Judge Judy all day.