An American Dream Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Women must murder us unless we possess them altogether […] and […] perhaps I could possess that altogether, perhaps that face could love me. (4.17)

Well that makes everything crystal clear, doesn't it? Rojack's hatred of women is rooted in his fear of them—his fear that they will somehow destroy him if he doesn't destroy them first. What's more, the idea that he'd need to "possess" a woman seems to contradict his seeming intellectualism.

Quote #11

For she had been using me—so I understood it now. And felt an icy rage against all women who would use me. (4.80)

You should take this quote with whole spoonful of salt—after all, this is the same dude who just murdered his wife and covered up the crime. He's used a lot of people along the way, so really, he has no business being angry with anyone.