An American Dream Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If at this exact instant Roberts had offered me twenty-four hours of freedom I think I would have signed his confession, for I had to see her again, simple as that. (5.33)

Once again, Rojack's lust overwhelms his instincts for self-preservation. Luckily, Roberts waits a few extra moments to make this proposition, so Rojack is able to stand firm. Although lust is a powerful emotion, capable of overwhelming him at a moment's notice, it tends to disappear just as quickly as it appears.

Quote #8

She nodded her head wisely. "People want to make love after a death." (8.93)

Here, Deirdre articulates a simple fact that Rojack has spent the whole novel trying to ignore: Ever since his experience during World War II—not to mention his murder of Deborah—Rojack has been trying to escape death through sex.

Quote #9

"And then I felt an awful desire to go to her room: my teeth were literally grinding, my belly was a pit of snakes." (8.406)

This is as dark as things get. Incest comes up several times throughout the novel, typically portrayed as the darkest level of lust that can exist. Essentially, Mailer is saying is that limitless money and time, combined with overwhelming, repressed lust, creates deep dark pits in our subconscious that would be better off not existing at all.