An American Dream Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was odd. […] It seemed as if she were not so much dead as no longer quite living. (2.15)

Twist it however you want it, but the fact remains: Deborah is dead. It's actually pretty crazy that Rojack is still grieving this way despite the fact that he killed her—but then again, he's crazy like that.

Quote #8

Well, if Deborah's dying had given me a new life, I must be all of eight hours old by now. (3.425)

In this instance, death really is an act of creation because Rojack has created a monster. It's almost as if he's a vampire, forced to consume others to stay alive for another day.

Quote #9

"I saw a man once just after he came back from killing. You looked like he did."

"How did he look?"

"Like he'd been painted with a touch of magic." (6.72-74)

Now that Rojack has murdered someone, his relationship with death has shifted, and he's no longer afraid of it because he has mastered it. Unfortunately for him, it's only a matter of time before that bad boy confidence wears off.