Emelina Domingos Timeline and Summary


Emelina Domingos Timeline and Summary

  • Codi arrives at Emelina's house on chicken-killing day. They hang out and kill chickens and plan a party that Emelina hosts.
  • Over the course of the next year, Codi and Emelina have a lot of awesome conversations. At one point, they go out to see a band at a local restaurant, and her baby son Nicholas almost chokes to death on some refried beans. Codi saves him.
  • Emelina gets involved in the fight to save Grace through Codi and her mother-in-law, Viola. She goes with Codi to Tucson, where they hang out with Carlo and eat McDonald's like city girls.
  • When Codi says she's leaving Grace, Emelina gets super mad and refuses to talk to her or say goodbye.
  • We don't hear a lot about Emelina once Codi gets back, but we can safely assume that she stops being mad, and they spend the rest of their lives raising babies and roasting goats together.