Animal Dreams Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Animal Dreams.

Memory Quotes

This is my problem—I clearly remember things I haven't seen, sometimes things that never happened. And draw a blank on the things I've lived through. (5.97)

Heroism Quotes

Trish fiddled with her bra strap. "Hallie always would just up and do anything under the blue sky," she said."You're right," I told Trish. "I wish I were that brave. I'd be scared to death to be wh...

Home and Family Quotes

He watches his daughter, though there's nothing to watch, and thinks these words: "A great-grandmother who isn't their business." He decides this will be their last year for the cemetery and the Da...

Vocation Quotes

Carlo and I med in medical school, [...] Along the way I'd landed a few presentable jobs, but in between I tended to drift, like a well-meaning visitor to this planet awaiting instructions. My care...

Animals Quotes

[Nicholas] spotted a hummingbird. It buzzed around the red tubes of a potted penstamon that stood by itself in the center of the courtyard. His eyes followed the bird as it darted up and down, a hi...

Plants Quotes

Our home fell apart when she left. She was our center of gravity, the only one of us who saw life as a controllable project. Carlo was an orphan like me. We forgot all about the jade plants, they w...

Earth Quotes

The dead mountain range of tailings on the lip of the mine had sat for decades, washed by rain, and still was barren as the Sahara. From a distance you might guess these piles of dirt to be fragile...

Violence Quotes

I could see plainly then that it was a heavy-bodied peacock shuffling from side to side on a low branch. Apparently the creature was too dull-witted or terrorized to escape, or possibly already inj...