Halimeda "Hallie" Noline Timeline and Summary


Halimeda "Hallie" Noline Timeline and Summary

  • Hallie takes off for Nicaragua in an absurdly loaded Toyota pickup. She's like a reverse Beverly Hillbilly.
  • Hallie stops in Mexico and admires a shrimp salesman.
  • Hallie gets to Nicaragua and gets to work. She's super good at it, and she's going to help the commune grow much more cotton. She's also getting mighty close to a dude named José. They like talking about literacy and taking donkey rides together.
  • Hallie writes her sister pretty much daily letters, including one in which she tells Codi off with the ire of a thousand ireful men.
  • Hallie witnesses the deaths of three girls at the hands of U.S. Armed Forces on loan to the contras.
  • Hallie gets kidnapped by the contras, who eventually execute her.
  • Hallie is buried in Nicaragua, at her own request.