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Anna Karenina Part 5, Chapter 18 Summary

  • Levin can't cope with his brother's situation at all. It fills him with disgust and helplessness. He's caught between impulses: he can't bear to be in the room with Nicholas, but he also can't bear not to be with his brother
  • Kitty has an entirely different approach. She considers it her womanly duty to help her brother-in-law, and to this end she sets to work making his life infinitely more comfortable for him. Kitty has the room (and Nicholas) cleaned, calls for a doctor, and visits the pharmacist.
  • Nicholas begins to call Kitty "Katya," and he sings her praises. She thinks incessantly of what Nicholas might need and can always anticipate his next request.
  • When Nicholas kisses Levin on the hand, Levin is overcome with tears and must leave the room.