Movie or TV Productions

This movie version stars Greta Garbo as Anna Karenina.

Stars Vivien Leigh in the title role.

A TV mini-series adaptation of Tolstoy's famous novel.

Another movie version of Anna Karenina, this one starring Jacqueline Bisset as Anna and Christopher Reeve as Vronsky.

Starring Sean Bean as Vronsky and Sophie Marceau as Anna.

A TV mini-series starring Kevin McKidd (Lucius from HBO's Rome and Dr. Owen Hunt from Grey's Anatomy) as Vronsky and Helen McCroy as Anna.

An NPR All Things Considered interview with Larissa Volokhonsky and Richard Pevear, translators of the 2001 Penguin edition of Anna Karenina.

A free audio book provided by the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.

A photo of Leigh as Anna in the 1948 film.

The Last Days of Tolstoy is Vladimir Chertkov's (Tolstoy's personal secretary) account of Tolstoy's last days. This site includes the full text of Chertkov's tale, plus a photo album, and other resources.

Masterpiece Theatre's guide to Anna Karenina, including some great information on Tolstoy and Russian history, turning the novel into a film, and much more.

Tolstoy's novel was selected for Oprah's Book Club in 2004. Check out Oprah's guide to Anna Karenina.