Artemis Fowl Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If Fowl's corpse was here, it would be with the gold, of that she was certain. (9.313)

Even after witnessing Artemis throughout her captivity, Holly still doesn't really understand him—how would it alter the dynamic of the story if Holly thought of Artemis as more than just a thief? 

Quote #8

And humans will accept any story, however outlandish, when there's something in it for them. Preferably something green that folds. (9.334)

This is one of the only mentions we get of actual paper money, and it's interesting that Mulch (of all the characters) is the one who understands humans and their currency best, especially since he worked in mines with precious metals.

Quote #9

"D'Klass [Santa Claus] thought that the greed of the Mud People in his kingdom could be assuaged by distributing lavish gifts [...] Of course, it didn't work. Human greed can never be assuaged, especially not by gifts." (9.361)

Here Artemis gives a subtle shout-out to greed not being satiated by materials things ("especially not by gifts")—it seems there are definitely things worth more than gold to him.