Artemis Fowl Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Back in the shillelagh days, there were no fancy polymer harnesses, no auto thrusters, and certainly no external monitors. […] Science was taking the magic out of everything. (5.142)

A lot of people claim this about scientific discovery even today—is it true, or can we think of science as creating its own kind of magic, especially here in the book?

Quote #8

There was an age when you could throw a blanket time stoppage over a whole country and the Mud People would simply think the gods were angry. But not anymore. (6.348)

What they're really saying here is that technology has made humans harder to fool.

Quote #9

"I want you to tunnel in there and find out how this Fowl person knows so much about us. Probably some surveillance device." (7.125)

It's fascinating that Root, the guy who gets all grumbly about science and technology, immediately thinks of a technological answer to Artemis's knowledge rather than the ancient Book that contains all of their secrets in one convenient place.