Artemis Fowl Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He would have preferred to take these gentlemen out from five hundred feet with a dart rifle. Failing that, if contact was absolutely necessary, a series of thumb jabs to the nerve cluster at the base of the neck would be his chosen modus operandi—quiet as a whisper. (5.134)

Butler doesn't like to engage in physical contact with the folks he's fighting—instead he prefers to wage violence from a dehumanizing distance. 

Quote #5

Beside the red light, green symbols began to click through a routine. Root recognized them from his human studies class back in the Academy. [...] A countdown! (5.294)

There are a thousand non-violent things about human society, but it's a safe bet that the human studies class given to fairies as police training is all about the potential threats—but why does it take a class for them to recognize a bomb when they have their own?

Quote #6

Artemis didn't flinch. Why would he? Butler always intervened before punches landed. (8.157)

Think about the implications here: violence has a different effect depending on your social class, since anyone not rich enough to have a personal bodyguard has to defend themselves.