Atalanta's Clique: The Girls' Football Team

Atalanta's Clique: The Girls' Football Team

Atalanta and her girlfriends are almost always busy training for the next football game. Sure, the guys make fun of them (a lot of the other girls do, too), but that doesn't stop these ladies from wanting to be ready to do battle out on the field.


Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons, a group of tough warrior women who swore off men altogether. Unfortunately for Hippolyta, she was kidnapped by Theseus and forced to be his bride. Even her warring Amazonian sisters couldn't save her from the clutches of the sneaky king of Athens.

Artemis (Diana)

Artemis is all about girl power. In fact, she's a sworn virgin and wants nothing to do with dudes at all. This goddess of the wilderness spends all her time running through the woods with her flock of beautiful nymphs. Don't go thinking that Artemis and her friends sit around petting bunnies and picking flowers all day, though. Being the goddess of the hunt, Artemis and her posse are always on the prowl for wild game. So just like Atalanta and the Amazons, Artemis is great with weapons, especially the bow and arrow.

Athena (Minerva)

Yeah, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, but she's also a goddess of war. Unlike Ares, she's not into war for war's sake. Instead, she's more about strategic war and wars of defense, and thinks it should only be practiced when it's absolutely necessary. Just like Artemis, Athena is a sworn virgin, and turns her nose up at any dude who tries to step to her.


In Norse mythology, the Valkyries are smokin' hot warrior women who work for Odin, the ruler of the Norse gods. They cruise around on winged horses, visiting battlefields where they choose the best and bravest fallen warriors. The Valkyries then take these lucky souls up to Odin's hall, Valhalla, where the warriors live for eternity.


Astarte is kind of like what would happen if you put Athena and Aphrodite in a blender. This Phoenician goddess was not only a goddess of war like Athena, but was also all about love and sex like Aphrodite. Some say that the Greeks actually got the idea for Aphrodite from the Phoenicians. We figure they already had Athena for a war goddess, so they just scraped that part away, leaving only the beautiful Aphrodite behind, all blushing and ready to be worshiped.