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Lies and Deceit Quotes in Austenland

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Play your little charade, but do not try to trap me. I will not sing for you. (5.60)

It's unusual that Mr. Nobley gets so angry with Jane for "pretending" when that's what he gets paid to do. We think it's because he already feels a strong attraction for our girl Jane.

Quote #8

I swore to keep any modern thingies out of sight of the guests. (6.53)

Martin is one tricky bugger. He is breaking the illusion of Austenland by bringing in space-age technology, and he's deceiving Mrs. Wattlesbrook by allowing Jane to watch TV with him. And Jane is later surprised that he can't be trusted? Humph.

Quote #9

It's only natural to confuse truth and fantasy as they play parts in a theatrical. (16.68)

In the middle of practicing for the play, Jane seems to utter the whole point of our theme of deceit. We don't have anything to add to this; she's done the work for us. Thanks, Jane!