Autobiography of My Dead Brother Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I ain't got nothing to lose, man. […] I don't care about a thing. Life doesn't mean nothing to me." (7.30)

A total lack of ambition can be a dangerous thing, as Mason illustrates here. When life is meaningless, people can get pretty reckless with it (Mason certainly does).

Quote #5

"One day I seen me standing in the cloud by the side of the track waiting for my train to come. All I was getting was colder and colder and my train never did come. What I'm thinking now is that I need to get out of the cold." (8.53)

How are Rise's ambitions different from Jesse's and C.J.'s? And is this his fault? Or does it stem from differences in his life? For instance, Jesse has two parents at home, whereas Rise has a gaping hole where his father should be.

Quote #6

"She's got her heart on me going to college, but that's two years away. I think she hopes that I give up the music." (9.22)

C.J.'s mother's dream for him is exactly the opposite of his own—and this is something he worries about quite a bit. Will he be able to pursue a career in music?