Autobiography of My Dead Brother Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Connie was always talking about how she was going to be a doctor. Now she says she's probably going to be working right here next to her mama. That's the way it goes, man." (11.67)

It seems like real life often gets in the way of the hopes and dreams of the characters in the novel. What barriers to realizing their dreams can you identify?

Quote #8

"He's just trying to bring you down to his level. […] There's people like that in the world. They can't do nothing themselves, so they try to bring everybody else down to their can't-do-nothing level." (16.33)

Little Man is like Mason—he has no real ambitions in life. Ultimately, that ends up landing him in jail, and it sends Rise six feet under. Without investment in his own life, he doesn't hold the lives of others in high regard, either.

Quote #9

Some of the hustle was hardworking folks chasing their behind-closed-doors dreams. Others were the people who had blown their dreams and were just chasing whatever life they could get at. (20.1)

Here Jesse describes two kinds of people. Can you name a character in the novel that fits each type? We can, but we're not telling.