Autobiography of My Dead Brother Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I told myself that if I did his autobiography right, if I did a really good job, maybe I could change him back to what I knew. (8.69)

Jesse needs to learn that no matter what he does, he can't change Rise. The only way Rise is going to change to a different version of himself is by wanting to—and right now, Rise definitely doesn't seem to want to.

Quote #5

When Rise laughed, he looked young again. I hadn't noticed that he didn't look young anymore. (11.22)

Sounds like being a drug lord really ages you. What do you think that's about?

Quote #6

I didn't know how a person could be different. Not so suddenly, anyway. (11.112)

Psst… We bet Rise actually didn't change so subtly. Instead, we bet that he changed in little bits at a time and Jesse either did his darndest to ignore it or just didn't recognize the shifts in his friend until a whole bunch had already happened.