Autobiography of My Dead Brother Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're becoming a different person," I imagined myself saying. "Somebody I almost don't know." (15.11)

Just because Jesse doesn't know how to talk to Rise about his concerns doesn't mean he doesn't think about it. He really wants to find a way to get through to his buddy about the ways in which he's changed.

Quote #8

A year before, Rise had just been an ordinary dude; now he was sounding like Moses coming down from the mountainside, passing out commandments, signing autographs, and blowing kisses to his fans. (20.27)

Why do you think becoming a criminal has made Rise more egotistical? Do you think it's real and that Rise really thinks he's all that and a bag of chips, or do you think it's an act?

Quote #9

This wasn't the Rise I had grown up with […]. That Rise had died somewhere in the past year, perhaps even the past few weeks. The Rise I knew could not have set anybody up to be shot, to be killed. (22.4)

It's one thing to sell drugs; it's another to order people's deaths. How do you think Rise rationalizes the latter to himself? Or has he changed so much that he just doesn't care?