Autobiography of My Dead Brother Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Everybody's getting nervous." Gun stretched his legs out in front of him. "My folks were talking it up big-time last night." (13.16)

We've seen Jesse's parents talk about how worried they are about neighborhood violence. From Gun's comment, we understand that similar conversations are taking place in other families, too.

Quote #5

For a few seconds the fear I had felt had just filled me up, had flared up into every part of me. My hands were stiff with fear, my heart was racing, my gut was turning, I was sweating. (13.39)

Jesse mistakes a couple of cops for Diablos and truly believes he's about to die. Immediately afterward, he goes home and goes to sleep. Fear is exhausting.

Quote #6

Looking at Rise, thinking about him, was like going to a horror movie and seeing an evil doll that killed people. (15.12)

The "new" Rise is super scary, and all Jesse can do is watch him in abject horror. He's both scared of losing his oldest friend and scared of who Rise has become. It's a bummer.