Autobiography of My Dead Brother Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Every day of my life I pray for you and hope with all my heart that you'll be all right. That a cab won't hit you and a stray bullet won't hit you and that you'll get a decent education and that no gang will get you and no dope will find its way into you." (17.40)

Jesse's mom admits that she lives with fear, too. She can think of approximately ten million ways Jesse could get killed every time he leaves the house. That must be hard to live with day in and day out.

Quote #8

My eye was hurting; I was mad at Dad for being afraid for me, even though in my heart I knew I was afraid, too. (17.55)

People express fear in a lot of different ways. Unfortunately, Jesse's dad expresses it through his fists.

Quote #9

Maybe it wasn't that Rise was sure that nothing would happen at the meeting. Maybe he just wasn't afraid of dying. (19.48)

Rise isn't afraid to die—he treats death like it's nothing for much of the book—but when it's his turn to bite it, well, let's just say he changes his tune.