Autobiography of My Dead Brother Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You want me to do all the cleaning and cooking, I'll do it!" He raised his voice some more. "I'll quit my job and stay home and be the housewife, because I sure can't be no man around this house." (14.21)

Jesse's dad has some really outdated ideas about gender roles. The way he sees it, his wife should do all the stuff around the house, never mind that she has a "real" job, too.

Quote #5

Dad couldn't express his ideas as easily as Mom could, and I think that pissed him off sometimes. (14.24)

Jesse's father has a hard time expressing his feelings, which translates into some real anger management issues. Intuitively, Jesse understands that this has something to do with his father's ideas about manliness.

Quote #6

"He called me a f*****," C.J. said. (16.41)

When Little Man accuses C.J. of being gay, C.J. can't just laugh it off. In fact, it makes him cry. What does this tell you about gender norms in their community?