Autobiography of My Dead Brother Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had read all the bits about black men not being able to express themselves and turning to violence to show their anger, but it didn't mean boo to me when it was me being hit. (18.1)

Jesse understands why his father punched him—but that doesn't mean he thinks it was okay. Reasons, shmeasons. Do you think this inspires Jesse to be a different sort of man than his father?

Quote #8

"I don't know," I said. "If I don't come, will you think I'm weak?" (19.31)

Jesse knows that his own manliness isn't tied to whether or not he goes to Rise's sketchy meeting. But he still worries about how he's perceived by others. He's still a teen, after all.

Quote #9

Mom wanted us to pray together, and I could see Dad didn't want to—he wanted to be tough because that's what he understood. (21.81)

Jesse knows that his father's masculinity is something of a performance. Jesse, however, doesn't feel the same need to perform (at least at home); during the family prayer, he says he and his mother get emotional.