Autobiography of My Dead Brother Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They ran down a thing about how one of these days it's going to be a real drive-by and one of us would be lying in a pool of blood crying for his mama. (13.35)

If you thought that Rise was cavalier about death, just wait till you get a load of these white cops, who think that black kids getting shot is a real hoot. There's a term for people like this: racist jerks.

Quote #5

I had a little hologram, about the size of a nickel, of a skull, and I painted a ring on his finger and pasted the death head onto it. (14.32)

Rise's death is foreshadowed when Jesse paints his portrait. Do you think, on some level, that Jesse knows Rise is headed for an early death?

Quote #6

Maybe it wasn't that Rise was sure that nothing would happen at the meeting. Maybe he just wasn't afraid of dying. (19.48)

Jesse's scared silly when confronted with the possibility of his own death. Rise? Not so much… well, at least until he gets shot. Then he's not so down with dying.