Autobiography of My Dead Brother Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It could have been me or C.J. just as easy as it had been the Diablos. The colors didn't matter. Bullets didn't know nothing about good guys and bad guys. (21.62)

When three gang members are shot and killed, Jesse has a real "there but for the grace of God go I" type of moment. As he notes, bullets don't care at all who they hit.

Quote #8

"The other one didn't make it?" Mom's voice was almost a shriek. […]

It was terrible to see Mom crying like that, and to know why she was crying. (21.65 and 21.67)

Jesse's mom totally breaks down when she hears another Diablo died from the wounds he sustained during the shooting. Why?

Quote #9

I held Rise close to my chest and we were crying together. And then he went limp in my arms. (23.56)

Jesse's best friend literally dies in his arms. It doesn't get much worse than that, folks. At least he can be there for Rise in his final moments, though, being like a brother at the bitter end.