Autobiography of My Dead Brother Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If a white cop sees you with a cap gun, he's going to use it as an excuse to shoot you," White Clara said. (10.6)

It's worth noting that the violence in Jesse's neighborhood isn't only perpetrated by the people who live there. Sometimes cops are the bad guys, too. Yikes.

Quote #5

"Drive-by!" White Clara screamed, and went over the side rail as the first bullets hit the steps. (10.11)

While none of Jesse's friends are killed in this shooting, his pal Benny is shot in the hand. Later, we find out it's Rise's fault.

Quote #6

"They're violent as anything. Calvin said they'd shoot you and make bets on how you going to fall." (12.3)

Sometimes shootings are "official business" amongst gang members; other times they're committed just for "fun." When violence is perpetrated for amusement, you know it's not particularly exceptional in a community.