Autobiography of My Dead Brother Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He stood up and got as close to me as he could, trying to punk me down. "You want to step to me?" I asked him. "Let's go outside and get to stepping." (16.30)

Jesse's not a violent guy for the most part, but if pressed, he'll stand up for himself. What other moments can you think of when he puffs up his chest and seems ready to throw down?

Quote #8

I didn't see the blow coming, and it caught me hard across the face. It stung my eye bad, and I started to bring my hands to my face, then stopped and just looked at him. (17.11)

Why do you think Jesse's father hits him? How unusual do you think him hitting Jesse is? To jump start your thinking, be sure to read up on fear elsewhere in this section.

Quote #9

"We were all looking out the window and we could see them shooting. One of them had an Uzi, and he hit a pregnant lady in her foot and she was screaming. It was terrible." (20.67)

Sometimes innocent passers-by are injured or killed in drive-bys. We could be wrong, but here we're assuming the pregnant lady wasn't in a gang.