Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And the town felt the special satisfaction that people feel when someone has been thoroughly done in by some scandalous and terrible means. (Ballad.94)

That's a particularly devious brand of schadenfreude.

Quote #8

And later, when horrifying rumors concerning Marvin Macy reached the town, Miss Amelia was very pleased. (Ballad.96)

Here, the rumor-mill might as well be a social network.

Quote #9

People were torn between the longing for the good taste of pork, and the fear of death. It was a time of waste and confusion. (Ballad.169)

On a chilly autumn day, Miss Amelia killed a pig and let it roast. Everyone else followed suit. When the weather turned warm again, they could no longer keep the meat fresh. It's the kind of group judgment that could get lots of people sick. (Does this feel like a metaphor to anybody else?)