Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #13

"Well, I wouldn't call him that exactly," said Sylvester. "I've known him a long time. He was O.K. until about six months ago. But if he goes on like this, I can't see him lasting another year. I just can't." (Jockey.8)

Are we to believe the judgment of the trainer, in The Jockey? Or is this just faux-caring designed to make good dinnertime conversation?

Quote #14

"Libertines," he said, and his voice was thin and broken. He rolled the word in his mouth, as though it had a flavor and a substance that gratified him. (Jockey.52)

A libertine is some who conducts themselves without a moral code. Are the trainer, the bookie, and the rich man really libertines? What about that sweetie-pie Marvin Macy?