Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Make it happy and simple," he said, switching on the lamp behind her and stepping back from the piano. (Ballad.112)

Mister Bilderbach doesn't want all the teen girl drama.

Quote #11

She was a tall, straight woman with a pale and haggard face. Her eyes were deeply shadowed and she wore her dark, ragged hair pushed back from her forehead. She had large, delicate hands, which were very grubby. (Madame.4)

"Haggard," "ragged," and "grubby." What do these words have in common?

Quote #12

Weeks passed and Madame Zilensky seemed to make no effort to get settled or to furnish the house with anything more than a table and some beds. (Madame.12)

Madame Zilensky resists the conventional, feminine urge to nest.