Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #13

Were they really her children after all, or had she simply rounded them up from somewhere? (Madame.36)

Is Mr. Brook being literal here, or does he believe that Madame Zilensky is such an odd duck that she could not possibly also be a mother?

Quote #14

Ferris recalled that once his father had remarked that Elizabeth had a "beautiful carriage." (Sojourner.6)

This is the first thing John Ferris thinks, watching his ex-wife walk down Fifth Avenue.

Quote #15

The little girl sat demurely on Bailey's knees. She wore a pale pink crepe de Chine frock, smocked around the yoke with rose, and a matching silk hair ribbon tying back her pale soft curls. Her skin was summer tanned and her brown eyes flecked with gold and laughing. (Sojourner.29)

Is the Bailey girl the girliest presence in these stories? What does this say?