Beauty Queens Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Duff's little moans traveled up her spine, made her head buzz. And another thought grabbed hold: She was doing this. She had the power to do this. That she could be both completely vulnerable and totally in control was mind-blowing. (22.244)

Adina's fallen pretty hard for this Duff guy. Here, she's marveling at how good it feels to have sex with him. And feeling empowered at the same time. Sounds like a win-win.

Quote #8

Her mother had told her they were cursed women. But in this moment, it seemed to Mary Lou that the curse was in allowing yourself to be shamed. To let the world shape your desire and love into a cudgel with which to drive you back into a cave of fear. And Mary Lou had had enough. (23.29)

Watching Adina feel bad for having sex, even though she'd wanted to and liked it, makes Mary Lou abandon the idea of the curse altogether. If there is curse, she thinks, it comes from letting yourself feel bad about your feelings. File that one away in life lessons to remember.

Quote #9

"I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna be chained to a rock by the gods, I'd rather go out as the person who brought fire back from the mountain than as a pure princess who didn't have the sense to say to everyone, 'Oh, hell no, you are not sacrificing me to some sea monster!'" (29.30)

While being dangled above a piranha tank, Tane and Mary Lou talk Geek mythology—er, Greek mythology. Our wild Mary Lou would rather go down fighting than following the rules.