Beauty Queens Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Nicole shook her head. "Public school Sex Non-Ed. When I'm surgeon general, I am so fixing that." On the walk, she explained hormonal, and Tiara nodded, smiling. (8.17)

Abstinence education only taught Tiara to fear sex and her body. And you'd think a bit of biology or a useful fact or two would be a better teaching method. And that's just what Nicole is out to fix.

Quote #2

In school, they would tell you that life wouldn't come to you; you had to go out and make it your own. But when it came to love, the message for girls seemed to be this: Don't. Don't go after what you want. Wait. Wait to be chosen, as if only in the eye of another could one truly find value. The message was confusing and infuriating. It was a shell game with no actual pea under the rapidly moving cups. (11.124)

The idea that women aren't allowed to be forward about what they want in love, but should be that way about other parts of their life, is kind of a contradiction. Sure, these beauty queens seem to think being forward about anything is a big no-no—but luckily, that's just at first.

Quote #3

A minute ago, he had been doing much the same to her. Why couldn't she answer in kind? She pressed her lips to his, tasting, enjoying, wanting. The itching in her palms began. But this time, it spread fast as a brush fire on a windy day. Her hunger was uncontrollable. Billy's eyes widened at the sight of her in her wild state. "What's wrong with you?" (14.9-10)

Why do you think Billy asked Mary Lou what was wrong with her, when they seemed to want the same thing?