Beetlejuice Scene 10 Summary

The Afterlife

  • This is too close a call. Adam decides they need help. He read in The Handbook that if you draw a door and knock three times you can get help. So that's what he does.
  • Barbara and Adam are pretty shocked when the wall in the attic actually opens up to reveal another world that's all misty and glowing with an eerie green light.
  • Lydia, who's still standing outside the attic door, can actually see the glow from under the door.
  • Adam and Barbara walk into the wall to see what's on the other side.
  • Meanwhile, Charles is trying to get his relaxation on in the study when he's interrupted by Lydia. She needs to tell him about all the freaky stuff she saw in the attic.
  • Charles doesn't want to hear it. He came to the country to relax.
  • Lydia seems to be the only one who realizes that the family's actually living in a haunted house.
  • Adam and Barbara step through the doorway to find a depressing waiting room. It's filled with ghoulish-looking dead people all sitting on chairs while awful elevator music plays.
  • Adam steps up to the counter and tries to take a number, but the dispenser is broken, so he knocks on the window.
  • A receptionist with blue skin and bright pink hair slides the window open. Looks like the Maitlands don't have an appointment so they're just gonna have to wait.
  • Wait for what? To see Juno, their caseworker.
  • Apparently the Maitlands are gonna have to spend 125 years on Earth in their house and they only get three appointments with Juno. She's the one who can get them some answers. They're also gonna have to fill out some paperwork.
  • Turns out there are worse things than dying and going to Hell.
  • Back in the land of the living, Lydia manages to force the attic door open and walks in and sees Adam's spectacular model town. She's impressed.
  • She also spies The Handbook for the Recently Deceased. Curiouser and curiouser.