Beetlejuice Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #1

JANE: Honey, today I'm $260,000!

BARBARA: No Jane. It's 6:45 in the morning.

JANE: This offer is real. From a man in New York City who only saw a photograph.

BARBARA: Jane, don't send people photos of our house.

JANE: He wants to bring the wife and family up here for some peace and quiet.

BARBARA: That's exactly what we're looking for.

JANE: But, Barbara, this house is too big for you. It really ought to be for a couple with a family, you know. Oh, pumpkin, I didn't mean anything. It's just that really this house is too big.

For someone who's supposed to love Barbara, Jane can sure say some moronic stuff.

Quote #2

BARBARA: Jane says we should sell the house to someone with a family.

ADAM: Well, I don't think that it's any of Jane's business. Besides, we could try again on this vacation, you know.

Adam's right: it's not any of Jane's business what they do. But he's also smart enough to suggest they turn their two-week stay-cation into a baby making adventure. Nicely played, sir. The Maitlands' inability to have a child despite really wanting one is one of the sad subtexts of the film, but it's not developed that much except maybe to explain why they get so attached to Lydia.

Quote #3

DELIA: I can't believe we're eating Cantonese. Is there no Szechwan up here?

LYDIA: Plan to have a stroke from the amount of MSG that's in this food.

DELIA: This is our first meal in this house, so why don't we all do our little private parts to make it a pleasant one?

CHARLES: Don't bait your mother, Pumpkin. Soon as we get settled, we'll build you a darkroom in the basement, okay?

LYDIA: My whole life is a darkroom. One big dark room.

DELIA: So you were miserable in New York City, and now you're going to be miserable out here in the sticks. At least someone's life hasn't been upheaved.

This conversation tells you just about everything you need to know about the dynamics in the Deetz family. Her patronizing parents trivialize her unhappiness, and she's sarcastic and negative whenever she gets the chance.