Beetlejuice The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #1

BARBARA: Is this a punishment or something? What are we gonna do?

ADAM: We're not completely helpless, Barbara. I've been reading that book and there's a word for people in our situation: ghosts.

These two are about to get their haunt on.

Quote #2

OTHO: I have a feeling there's something very interesting behind this door.

DELIA: Yeah, ghosts, of the people who died in this house and they want us out of here. So let's do them a favor.

Otho might be a bit of a moron when it comes to design, but he's actually rather perceptive when it comes to the supernatural. Delia, meanwhile, hits the nail right on the head without realizing it.

Quote #3

JUNO: Okay, have you been studying the manual?

ADAM: Well, we tried.

JUNO: The intermediate interface chapter on haunting says it all. Get them out yourselves. It's your house. Haunted houses aren't easy to come by.

BARBARA: Well, we don't quite get it.

JUNO: I heard. Tore your faces right off. It obviously doesn't do any good to pull your heads off in front of people if they can't see you.

ADAM: We should start more simply then?

JUNO: Start simply, do what you know, use your talents, practice. You should've been studying those lessons since day one.

We thought scaring a bunch of Manhattanites would be child's play, but apparently it takes a whole lot of work. Adam and Barbara are gonna need to crack the books to get rid of the Deetzes.