Bel Canto Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"When I hear Roxane sing I am still able to think well of the world," Gen said. "This is a world in which someone could have written such music, a world in which she can still sing that music with so much compassion. That's proof of something, isn't it? I don't think I would last a day without that now." (Epilogue.28)

What's left after you've entered a dream world and reentered reality? Maybe it's art, the hope and the intensity of experience available through human creativity at its best and most intense. It's out of our control whether we have radically transformative experiences like the one started by the hostage crisis in Bel Canto (and really, it might not be the greatest idea to go looking for that kind of experience). But practically anyone can experience art, and find hope and joy and transformation in that experience. Inspiring, isn't it?