Bel Canto Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The future never even occurred to Roxane Coss. She had become so proficient at forgetting that she never considered the wife of her lover anymore. She was not concerned that he ran a corporation in Japan, or that they did not speak the same language. Even the ones who had no real reason to forget had done so. They lived their lives only for the hour that lay ahead of them. Lothar Falken thought only of running around the house. Victor Fyodorov thought of nothing but playing cards with his friends and gossiping about their love for Roxane Coss. Tetsuya Kato thought of his responsibilities as an accompanist and forgot about the rest. (10.94)

It's weird how forgetting what they know lets all these people explore a new life. But it's also kinda weird when regular life intrudes again. How are they going to reenter their ordinary realities? Um, awkward.