Bel Canto Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Father Arguedas adopted a "translator optional" policy in regard to confession. If people chose to confess in a language other than Spanish, then he would be happy to sit and listen and assume their sins were filtered through him and washed away by God exactly as they would have been if he had understood what they were saying. If people would rather be understood in a more traditional way, then they were welcome to bring Gen along if it worked out with his schedule. Gen was perfect for the job, as he seemed to have a remarkable ability not to listen to the words coming out of his own mouth. (8.97)

Music, spirituality, and visual art are all things that allow some sort of connection beyond language in Bel Canto. Plus, they provide a way of experiencing something beyond normal human life that connects people to each other. That's why Father Arguedas isn't worried about whether he can understand the people making confessions to him. If they're connecting to God through him, there's something important going on that goes beyond ordinary human language. Pretty swell, huh?