How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I hadn't been within its enshrouding walls for many days, but I suddenly felt an urge to relax, now that my plans were in place. Time's passage had changed little in the harem, even if the women who had always surrounded me looked older and fatter. (10.119)
Hey, now, Jahanara, not everyone has access to a gym, okay? There's hardly even room to run laps in the harem. She says the same thing about an older Ladli, too…
Quote #5
My child let out a whimper. She raised a miniature fist in the air, as if to protest this harsh induction to our world. She's already strong, I thought, bending down to kiss her fingers. They were impossibly small, and again I found myself in awe of her. Does every mother, I wondered, stumble upon this moment in time and discover that her life, however arduous, has import? (11.165)
Is such a moment in time a universal experience? And would you say that Arjumand's birth is really the first time Jahanara's life has had import? Why do you think Jahanara says this?