Benito Cereno Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"This is an uncommonly intelligent fellow of yours, Don Benito," whispered Captain Delano across the table. (79.252)

Delano's assessment of Babo's intelligence is purely based on the servant's ability to guess what his master wants. That's more than a little insulting.

Quote #8

At last catching his host's eye, Captain Delano, with a slight backward gesture of his thumb, whispered, "Don Benito, pardon me, but there is an interference with the full expression of what I have to say to you." (80.255)

Aww, Delano's trying to be clever. His attempt backfires, of course.

Quote #9

Turning, he saw Babo, now for the time acting, under the pilot, his original part of captain of the slaves. (81.271)

Do you think that Delano's finally starting to get that Babo is a worthy adversary?