Benito Cereno Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But tell me, has he not, so far as you have known him, always proved a good, worthy fellow?" (78.244)

Delano always seems to be pushing towards the truth, but he never quite gets there. 

Quote #8

"I cannot go," decisively and repulsively repeated Don Benito. (84.296)

The few moments where Cereno compulsively tells the truth are as interesting as when he lies. Do you think he's trying to convey a message to Delano?

Quote #9

I have done him wrong, self-reproachfully thought Captain Delano; his apparent coldness has deceived me; in no instance has he meant to offend. (86.308)

In one of Delano's most self-reflective moments, he admits that Cereno's cold exterior led him to make a quick judgment.