Benito Cereno Slavery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] the servant for a moment surveyed his master, as in a toilette at least, the creature of his own tasteful hands. (77.233)

In other words, Babo is sculpting Benito Cereno like Play-Doh. Little does Captain Delano know that he's sculpting his character as well as his physical appearance.

Quote #8

But a sort of love quarrel, after all. (77.240)

Uh, is Captain Delano really comparing Babo and Benito Cereno's relationship to a crabby couple? Buddy, you're way off base.

Quote #9

"By the way, your tall man and timepiece, Atufal, stands without. By your order, of course?" (82.283)

Delano a) assumes that Cereno has ordered Atufal to stand guard, and b) basically refers to Atufal as a necessary object, a timepiece. Whoa, racism.